Monday, August 3, 2015

homemade raviolli

homemade pasta has always been on my to do list, but i've never gotten around to doing it. it always seems a little overwhelming, but with a little patience and some upper arm strength anyone can do it.

i started with the pasta dough. the ingredients are very simple. 3 eggs, 2 cups of flour, a bit of salt and olive oil.

i made a little well in the flour and cracked the eggs inside. you can also do this in a bowl.

i then whisked the eggs till they were incorporated and slowly mixed in the flour

after everything was incorporated i was left with a big ol mess. after maybe 10 minutes of constant kneading and forming with my hands i was left with a cute little ball dough. i let this sit for an hour covered in a clean tea towel.

then came the filling. i had a ton of mushrooms and kale so that's what i did. i bought a small little log of goats cheese to bring it all together. after sautéing the mushrooms (finely chopped) with the kale (also finely chopped) and 3 cloves of garlic it was ready to be mixed in with the goats cheese. the filling along was to die for, i could've eaten the whole filling simply spread on some nice bread. ugh so delicious.

after the dough had rested for an hour it was time to start filling the pasta.

i used a tall drinking glass to roll out the dough (after I cut the ball in quarters) and made four sheets. this part was really fun, i felt like an italian grandma. after i made little balls of the filling i put the second sheet of pasta over the filling and made little sections with wet fingers. it also helps to wet the edges of the pasta before you place the second sheet over it to help it stick. 

once i cut the ravioli and sealed them with a fork i boiled them for about 5 minutes just until the ravioli rised to the top

we had the pasta with a salad and it was the perfect dinner. i drizzled a bit of garlic olive oil, pepper and parsley


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